Posts Tagged English



Elicitation is a technique by which the teacher gets the learners to give information rather than giving it to them.

A teacher elicits the rules for the structure of the first conditional by asking learners to look at some examples, then writing ‘We make the first conditional in English with…?’ on the board.

In the classroom
Elicitation is an important technique for various reasons. It helps develop a learner-centred dynamic, it makes learning memorable as learners can link new and old information, and it can help produce a dynamic and stimulating environment.

source :


Contoh RPP Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 SD- Narrative

Bagi teman-teman guru , silahkan mengunduh contoh RPP Bahasa Inggris  PAKEM.

Kelas 6 SD

Tema : Places

KD : 7.3 Memahami teks narative bergambar sederhana.

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Mudah-mudahan bermanfaat

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English PowerPoint for Kids

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Happy learning

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Creating A Story

666Some listening activities  will wake your pupils up, make them move about, create movement and/or noise. Others will calm down, make them concentrate on what is in front of them and create a peaceful atmosphere. Sometimes we want to have a nice quiet atmosphere and sometimes we want our children move about and we can use listening activities for both purposes (Scott and Lisbeth – Teaching English to Children, Pearson, 2004)

Here is an example of listening activity that make your students move about.

This is an exciting form of story telling which you can do from  a very early stage is to create stories with children.  First the setting: “When did the story happen?” ‘ Once upon a time…’ We must accept the first answer that comes, no censoring allowed. ‘Okay, Once upon a time in…? ‘Egg’

‘Fine . Once upon a time in a country , town called Egg. There was…?’ And so on.

This gives a real feeling  of shared story and you cannot tell how the story will end- but it does, usually rather unconventionally. Making up stories with children at all stages helps them to put their thoughts into words and gives them a starting point for their own writing.

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English PowerPoint for Young Learners #2



Students and EYL Teachers, Hopefully  it can be useful for you.


Happy learning!



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Spell By Pictures!

Children love drawing as well as colouring. Why don’t we take adantage it toward learning.

When early grades students learn about Englsih  alphabet, we may ask for your students  to spell their names by using pictures. Draw the things that represent student’s name letters

Can you guess what the student’s name is?


Yes, That’s Right! The name of student is DAVID

You know why? because the pictures tell us.




Ice cream


Alright let’s make your awesome learning!

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#1 Grouping The Children – Pairwork

ImageWhen your pupils are ready to cooperate with others, we recommend some sort of regular grouping as follow:


Pairwork is a very useful and efficient way of working in language teaching. It is simple to organise .

  • Let pupils who are sitting near each other work together. Don’t move the desks , chairs should only be moved it absolutetly necessary
  •  Estabilsh a  routine for pairwork, so that when you say : ‘Now work in your pairs’, pupils know what is expected of them.
  • Pairwork means that everyone in the class is occupied, but even if everyone in the class is working on the same thing, not all pairs will finish at the same time. Do not be tempted to let the pairwork continue until everyone has finished. As soon as you see that several of the pairs have finished. Ask the others to finish off.
  • If you do not have an even number of pupils in the class, then let one group as a three.
  • Go through what you want pupils to do before you put them into their pairs ( Scott and Ythreberg, 2004, Teaching English to Children, Pearson)

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Planning Your Work

A good teacher is started from a good lesson plan. Why good teachers plan their work?

1. It makes life much easier for you in the classroom

2. It saves time.

  •  You can adapt the plan for future use.
  •  You get quicker at preparing work with experience.
  • You become aware of how much time activities take.
  • It’s such quicker to check at the  end of a lesson what actually happened
3. You can more easily see how to balance your lesson.
4.  You know what you will need for each lesson.
5.  It gives you security and confidence which is passed on to the pupils.
6.  It allows you to use more of  your energy and enthusiasm to enjoy what you
      are doing instead of worrying about what to do next , or looking at the next
      page of the book.
7. You can sometimes sit back and observe what is going on instead of planning
      the next activity in your head
8. As pupils get older, they become more aware of how well prepared the
      lesson are, and they like to have well prepared lesson
Teaching English to Children – Wendy A. Scott

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Theory of Multiple Intelligences

(Multiple Intelligences – Howard Gardner)

The research on multiple intelligences is very interesting and has some important implications for the classroom. The basic idea is that one child may be more intelligent in one way and another may be more intelligent in another. Traditional teaching places emphasis on a narrow view of intelligence and those with other kinds of intelligences are not encouraged and may come to see themselves as failures. Current research suggests there are at least eight identifiable types of intelligence:

Linguistic Intelligence
The ability to use language to express one self, understand what others are trying to tell us through words, react stories with feeling, learn vocabulary or even a whole language

Logical mathematical Intelligence
The ability to understand and manipulate numbers and see cause and effect relationships.

Spatial Intelligence
The ability to form mental images of. Layouts, find our way around, learn through pictures and drawing

Bodily Kinesthetic intelligence
The ability to use parts of our body to make things or do activities such as playing ball games and dance

Musical intelligence
The ability to produce and recognize songs and play around with the melodies speed and rhythm

Interpersonal intelligence
The ability to understand others, corporate with them and recognize others’ intentions

Intrapersonal intelligence
The ability to understand ourselves, know how we are similar or different from others and deal with our emotions

Natural intelligence
The ability to recognize species of plants, the characteristics of different animals and relate to the natural world.

The most important implication for the classroom is that we should understand and respect that different children may learn mist effectively in different ways. Some children may learn a lot through drawing and seeing picture, others through listening to and singing songs. At the very least this means that our course should contain a wide variety of activities.

Paul David, 2010,Teaching English to Children in Asia, Pearson Longman

Gardner H, 2000, Intelligence Reframed Multiple Intelligences for the 21st Century, Basic Books


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Total Physical Response (TPR)

Stand up!
Point to the white board!
Raise your hand!
Open your book!

Those are some instructions can be introduced to our students by using TPR.

What is TPR?

One technique that is often used in one form or another EFL (English Foreign Language) classroom is Total Physical Response (TPR) . An example of TPR is for teacher to give instruction in English first combined with actions and then give the same instructions again without the action.

The children show the same understanding by following these instructions without needing to speak. However many teachers in the Asia EFL classroom quite understandably question the validity of TPR in its original form because it does not give children enough opportunities to speak so they modify it or just use it for particular language target.

Paul David,Teaching English to Children in Asia, Pearson Longman, 2010
