Archive for category Alat Penilaian

Aplikasi SARS -Aplikasi Penilaian Kurikulum 13

Alhamdulillah setelah merancang, menyusun dan merampungkan selama 5 bulan, aplikasi SARS ( Sistem Aplikasi Rapor Sekolah) dapat dinikmati oleh 18 Sekolah Dasar sasaran kurikulum 13 di kota Tangerang.


Bulan Desember 2015 lalu tim Sukasari 4 melakukan pelatihan ini di SD Kartini kompleks Angkasa Pura Tangerang.

Mudah-mudahan aplikasi ini dapat membantu guru-guru dalam mengolah penilaian hingga akhirnya laporan hasil belajar siswa dapat diselesaikan dengan baik.

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A Smiley Score

This is one way of assessing your pupils work.

We as teacher, usually give certain numbers for evaluating our students work such as giving number ten or one hundred or other numbers to determine whether students’ work is done well or not. We also may give them a particular word for instance excellent, very good even poor to theirs. However, those ways are rather boring for them. Thus why don’t we give them an exciting score to attract their attention? We call it a smiley score. How does it work?

After students accomplish and submit their works to the teacher, give them score by drawing a circle resemble a human head who has smiling face 🙂 representing a very good score
and a frowning face 😦 for a poor score.

At the first time your students have a smiley score, I gurantee they will smile and smile. And Next they will be encouraged to do the best work for having a smiley score.
